Camporee 2024

Camporee 2024 Be Wild. Be Free.

Thanks for coming to Camporee 2024.

See below for what the girl scouts did this year.

Age Levels: All age level Girl Scout Troops, including Juliettes with their adults. No tag-a-longs.

The Cost: Girl Scouts $30 (Includes custom fun patch, site rental, and activity supplies). Slingshot activity requires additional cost and has limited capacity. Adults w/o patch $8, Adults w/ patch $11.

The Fun Stuff:

Camp with us one night, two nights, or come just for the day on Saturday.

You can participate in our potluck dinner and campfire activities. Do you have a skit or song to share?

There will be scheduled rotations, drop-in activities, and free time for troop development and on-your-own activities.

Scheduled Activities:
  • Dutch oven cooking
  • S'mores
  • Hiking
  • Tie-dye
  • Slingshot (optional, $10)
  • Glow party

  • On Your Own:
  • Badge and journey work
  • Camp Arnaz fun patches (three)
  • Council's Own patches
  • SWAPS station
  • Rock painting
  • Scavenger hunt

  • Slingshots:
    This is an optional activity at an additional cost. Girl Scouts will learn range safety and use slingshots. All levels: $10, for 30 minutes.

    Additional Information:

    • Troops supply their own food. Friday Potluck details will be forthcoming for those participating.
    • Adults attending must be registered Girl Scouts and pass a background check through Council.
    • Chaperones must remain onsite and with their troop for the duration of the troop's time at camp. Troop-to-girl ratios must be followed at all times.
    • Training and Clearances Needed

      • Stepping Out - if your troop is only coming for the day (One person per troop).
      • Outdoor Training: If your troop spends the night, one person per troop must have this
        two-day training. The next scheduled training is on 10/2 and 10/6.
      • All troops must have a First Aid/CPR-trained adult.
      • All adults spending the night must be fingerprinted through our Council and complete the
        AB506 Mandated Reporter Training

    The Camporee Committee created and organized additonal drop-in activities. In addition, Camp Arnaz is filled with activities and resources you can access during downtime at Camporee. Below is a list of ideas to schedule into your time at Camp Arnaz.

    Drop-In Activities

    • Rock Painting
    • SWAPS Station

    Troop-Initiated Activities

    • Scavenger Hunt - Help us celebrate Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday and explore Camp Arnaz.
    • Volleyball Courts - At the volleyball court, there are supplies for you to initiate your own game of volleyball, cornhole, football, soccer, frisbee and tetherball.
    • Pollinator Garden - This might still be under construction but some activities within are accessible.
      • Blue and Green Space (10-15minutes) – Ashley Slicton, a Costa de Oro Girl Scout, created this Gold Project. Activity cards lead you through the impacts of blue and green space on our health and well-being.
      • Little Library - A service project for a Ventura County troop. Bring a book, read a book, take a book.
      • Garden seating - a circle of benches in the middle of the garden invites you to enjoy the above activities or just to sit and enjoy your surroundings.

    Badges, Journeys, and Patches

    Schedule some time at Camporee to work on badges and journeys. Below are some that your troop may be interested in.

    Council’s Own Patches

    These may require additional work completed before or after attending Camporee. Click on the links to see the curriculum plans.

    Camp Arnaz Fun Patches

    These can all be completed at Camp Arnaz and are found at three kiosks around the property. There are directions on where to get the patches once you have completed the steps for each fun patch. Your level in Girl Scouting determines the number of activities you need to complete to earn the patch. See activity cards for requirements. You decide which of the activities to complete.
    • Resilient, Ready, Strong Patch (45-90 minutes) - Kiosk across the road from Host Cabin.
    • Look Who's Watching Patch (30+ minutes) - Kiosk near horses.
    • Space Science Patch (60-90 minutes) - Kiosk near Pippin Cabin. - Some activities can be done at night.

    Badges and Journeys